Friday, 15 November 2013


I just got back from conquering a massive fear of mine, heights! I hate height with a passion and somehow managed to get on a plane last year to go on holiday! When the pilot announced that we were 15,000 feet in the air, I wanted to die! Having went through that ordeal and come to the realisation that it didn't kill me, I figured I could try and conquer it again. So this evening I went out on the London Eye and even though it was in the dark, it still made me feel like throwing up!

While I was there, glued to the flimsy seat, I saw everyone else enjoying themselves and realised that I was missing out so I stood up, took out my camera and snapped away at the beautiful lit up city of London and guess what happened? When I stopped focusing on how high up I was, I no longer panicked and the fear vanished. The lesson? Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

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