Friday 27 September 2013

New etsy shop listing!

Hey Y'all!! I'm so excited to finally be able to share with you my new items which will be added to my etsy shop over the next few weeks. There are so many gorgeous prints online and having been inspired by the other bloggers and print makers out there, I wanted to create my very own and so I did! I really hope you like them and a small sneak peak can be found below and also on my etsy shop link on the right! :)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Logo designs

I had a go at designing some more logos today. What I would really like to do in the near future is open up my own Graphic Design business online and then sell my designs, that would make me one happy bunny! I designed my Miss 24 logo myself in Photoshop (all self taught by the way! lol) so here's what I came up with.The names are just for examples. You like? 

Friday 20 September 2013

New blog template!

"A change is as good as a rest.."

Fess up who likes the new blog design?? Change is very important and having surfed the net and loads of blog templates, I felt I found one that suited my needs. I found it on Etsy at a shop called KotrynaBassDesign. The templates are really modern and you can get them adjusted and modified to suit your needs which is exactly what I've done. So I would like to dedicate this blog post to the designer behind the theme, KotrynaBassDesign and say a massive thank you for all of your help and patience!! Here's to a new beginning! 

Saturday 14 September 2013


A picture paints a thousand words, so they say. So I had a go and tested out my sisters brand new Canon eos 600D camera! With a whopping 18 mexa pixels to boast about, I couldn't just let that baby sit in the box (even though it doesn't belong to me lol). Having played around with it I can def say that I want one and it's a brilliant camera! It's light so won't break your wrists, easy to navigate as the modes show up on the screen, has a built in video feature and produces clear crisp images! Canon eos 600d on my wishlist.. Here's a small preview of what that lil nifty thing can do. What do you think?

Monday 9 September 2013

It's a wrap!

No literally, it really is a wrap! Nike have released a set of gorgeous fitness pumps that are specifically designed to support and visually compliment your feet while you work out. These pumps can be worn in a number of ways, strapped up at the front, twisted at the back, toes open or no strings at all, the choices are endless. They are pricey ranging from £95 up however I'm sure as soon as you slip your feet into them (like a modern day sporty Cinderella), you'll be able to hit all those awkward yoga and pilates positions, well thats what I'm hoping anyways! :)

Saturday 7 September 2013

Dressing it up!

The sun is out and even though it's not boiling, it's nice enough to put me in a good mood. And when I'm in a good mood then that means it's time to dress up! Theres so many fashion blog posts out there and I've never really done one before so I thought I'd give it a shot! (No pun intended loo). Let me know what you think? Should this be a new feature in my blog?? Hmmmm...

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Feeling positive

Aah yes! As Summer comes to an end many of us will feel sad and as Autumn approaches many of us will pull out our favorite comfy jumpers and socks to embrace the season. Autumn is a lovely season and for the past year or so,  I have used it to meditate on my life, what I've achieved and where I'm heading. I have a very good feeling that my blog "miss 24" will help me to achieve better things that really add warmth to your hearts, the kind of things that money (no mater where you shop!) just cannot buy. So I've included some positive quotes to inspire you on too! Enjoy

Sunday 1 September 2013

Get some knuckle!

I'm not really into the cluttered finger look but having spotted some unusual knuckle rings on a few of my fav sites, I couldn't resist keeping them to myself!

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