Saturday 7 December 2013

Dream Big

There are times in life where everything is working and going to plan and then there are other times when everything we have worked for and have tried to build, slowly crumbles around us. The latter description sums up most of my year. Waiting, wishing and trying to make things change to improve my life and for some reason they don't. A perfect example. I applied for a job and was called for an Interview. The company informed me that 2,000 people applied for the position and that 2.1 million people are unemployed so what makes me special. I gave my answer (no pressure of course after hearing all of that!) and left the Interview feeling I had done my best. A week later I was told I wasn't accepted for the position, even though I was their number 1 candidate. You want to know why? Not because I had messed up in the Interview but simply because the other lady had known one of their course assessors. I was devastated by this emotional blow especially because it was over something as petty as knowing another person. 

However this experience taught me the value of perseverance and hope. No, I may not have got the job that would have helped me move my life forward as a young female in her mid twenties. But it taught me to keep pushing and putting myself out there. There will always be something that will drag me down but it is up to me to get back up and try again. Hope, no matter how small helps keep our dreams alive so keep positive my friends and dare to dream big!

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