Saturday 7 December 2013

Dream Big

There are times in life where everything is working and going to plan and then there are other times when everything we have worked for and have tried to build, slowly crumbles around us. The latter description sums up most of my year. Waiting, wishing and trying to make things change to improve my life and for some reason they don't. A perfect example. I applied for a job and was called for an Interview. The company informed me that 2,000 people applied for the position and that 2.1 million people are unemployed so what makes me special. I gave my answer (no pressure of course after hearing all of that!) and left the Interview feeling I had done my best. A week later I was told I wasn't accepted for the position, even though I was their number 1 candidate. You want to know why? Not because I had messed up in the Interview but simply because the other lady had known one of their course assessors. I was devastated by this emotional blow especially because it was over something as petty as knowing another person. 

However this experience taught me the value of perseverance and hope. No, I may not have got the job that would have helped me move my life forward as a young female in her mid twenties. But it taught me to keep pushing and putting myself out there. There will always be something that will drag me down but it is up to me to get back up and try again. Hope, no matter how small helps keep our dreams alive so keep positive my friends and dare to dream big!

Friday 29 November 2013

Ashley Ella Designs

As an aspiring Designer I think it's really important to have your own unique style that makes you stand out from the rest. After all wheres the fun if everything looks and feels the same? I'm trying to develop my own style and one way I do this is by Pinning all my fav designs, blog layouts and texts on a secret board of mine in Pinterest. Ashley Ella Designs work is definitely up my creative street! Very fresh, modern and full of personality. Take a look at her website here for more! 

Sophisticated Wine

Wine has been trending for the whole of this year, I've seen men in wine suits, wine scarfs, wine bags and I've enjoyed having gorgeous wine nails some weeks back to be in with tha crowd. This trend breakdown collage is dedicated to wine in a sophisticated chic kinda way.. Enjoy!

Crop Top - Ebay
Vintage Glasses - Vintage cat eye
Bag - Kc Mode
Pencil Skirt - Karen Millen 

Saturday 23 November 2013


As was mentioned in a previous post, I'm currently working my way through an online design course called Blog, Design, Love and one of the assignments was about creating an overall look for your blog by means of a blog mood board. So I had a good think (with a warm cuppa in my hand) and this is what I came up with! 

Sunday 17 November 2013

Friday 15 November 2013


I just got back from conquering a massive fear of mine, heights! I hate height with a passion and somehow managed to get on a plane last year to go on holiday! When the pilot announced that we were 15,000 feet in the air, I wanted to die! Having went through that ordeal and come to the realisation that it didn't kill me, I figured I could try and conquer it again. So this evening I went out on the London Eye and even though it was in the dark, it still made me feel like throwing up!

While I was there, glued to the flimsy seat, I saw everyone else enjoying themselves and realised that I was missing out so I stood up, took out my camera and snapped away at the beautiful lit up city of London and guess what happened? When I stopped focusing on how high up I was, I no longer panicked and the fear vanished. The lesson? Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Miss 24 gets an upgrade!!

My last post was about me wanting to change my blog theme and so after much thought I chose a beautiful template designed by the very talented Kate over at 17th Avenue Designs on Etsy (see more of her work here I LOVE IT and really hope you like it too!! I've put together a lil somethin that I want the new Misstwenty4 blog look to summarise and feel like! Heres to a new sophisticated look ;)

Wednesday 30 October 2013

I want...

Yes people, it's official. I want a new blog theme!!!
I want my blog to look and feel grown up. When people click onto it, I want them to see a blog with good images, class and sophistication (with a large sprinkling of down to earthness and humour). I want to produce interesting content and to have followers.So with the above in mind I have had a look around Etsy (my absoloute fav!) and have picked out four themes that I'm crushing on at the minute.

What do you think? Do these blog themes exude class, sophistication, modern design?

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Blog, Design, Love


I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I do apologise! However, I do have some exciting news! I recently enrolled on an online design course by the lovely ladies over at The course is designed to teach you how to jazz up your blog basically and also html basics. I don't know about you but whenever I look at html codes, my brain just blanks out (yeah, kinda like the way your iphone does, it just goes dead!). So I've been following the sessions and also doing the homework that comes with it.
That sounds funny, a 24 year old woman doing homework but yes it's true ;)

I'm enjoying it so far and who knows, I might just show you a sneak peak into some if the work I've been doing huh?? Stay tuned...

Saturday 5 October 2013

Classic Nude

Hello people! Yes I truly believe that keeping your outfits simple really looks more effective than six or seven colours clashed together, definitely not the one. Having worn this outfit a few months back I got a lot of compliments and so I wanted to put together a quick, none stressful clothes collage for those of you that wanted to try it and go nude for a change (the colour nude, not anything else!). Enjoy! ;)

Friday 4 October 2013


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


In my last post I wrote about fashion blogs and I having been inspired by Hapa Time's blog among many  others, I thought I'd give it a go myself. My sister took the pictures. What do you think? Do you like it? I'm pleased with the outcome! Happy Friday everyone! :) 

Thursday 3 October 2013

I'm thinking fashion blog

Having been away for a while, I've looked at many fashion blogs because well, I like fashion and accessories and I like to look good, who doesn't? While I love looking at all their perfect crisp pictures and fancy jewellery, I can't help but wonder "How do they afford it?"

I know some people just have loads of clothes and that's naturally who they are as a person which is fine. But we all can't afford to grace the pavements wearing sparkly Chanel bags and gorgeous Louboutin heels everyday, can we? Well in this economic climate, I know I can't. So how do they do it? I have no doubt that some do get sponsored like Wendy from (she actually knows how to dress) but I think others might be using fake products or are simply in a lot of debt. 

Are you a fashion blogger? If so how do you keep your content fresh and how do you afford it? 

Friday 27 September 2013

New etsy shop listing!

Hey Y'all!! I'm so excited to finally be able to share with you my new items which will be added to my etsy shop over the next few weeks. There are so many gorgeous prints online and having been inspired by the other bloggers and print makers out there, I wanted to create my very own and so I did! I really hope you like them and a small sneak peak can be found below and also on my etsy shop link on the right! :)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Logo designs

I had a go at designing some more logos today. What I would really like to do in the near future is open up my own Graphic Design business online and then sell my designs, that would make me one happy bunny! I designed my Miss 24 logo myself in Photoshop (all self taught by the way! lol) so here's what I came up with.The names are just for examples. You like? 

Friday 20 September 2013

New blog template!

"A change is as good as a rest.."

Fess up who likes the new blog design?? Change is very important and having surfed the net and loads of blog templates, I felt I found one that suited my needs. I found it on Etsy at a shop called KotrynaBassDesign. The templates are really modern and you can get them adjusted and modified to suit your needs which is exactly what I've done. So I would like to dedicate this blog post to the designer behind the theme, KotrynaBassDesign and say a massive thank you for all of your help and patience!! Here's to a new beginning! 

Saturday 14 September 2013


A picture paints a thousand words, so they say. So I had a go and tested out my sisters brand new Canon eos 600D camera! With a whopping 18 mexa pixels to boast about, I couldn't just let that baby sit in the box (even though it doesn't belong to me lol). Having played around with it I can def say that I want one and it's a brilliant camera! It's light so won't break your wrists, easy to navigate as the modes show up on the screen, has a built in video feature and produces clear crisp images! Canon eos 600d on my wishlist.. Here's a small preview of what that lil nifty thing can do. What do you think?

Monday 9 September 2013

It's a wrap!

No literally, it really is a wrap! Nike have released a set of gorgeous fitness pumps that are specifically designed to support and visually compliment your feet while you work out. These pumps can be worn in a number of ways, strapped up at the front, twisted at the back, toes open or no strings at all, the choices are endless. They are pricey ranging from £95 up however I'm sure as soon as you slip your feet into them (like a modern day sporty Cinderella), you'll be able to hit all those awkward yoga and pilates positions, well thats what I'm hoping anyways! :)

Saturday 7 September 2013

Dressing it up!

The sun is out and even though it's not boiling, it's nice enough to put me in a good mood. And when I'm in a good mood then that means it's time to dress up! Theres so many fashion blog posts out there and I've never really done one before so I thought I'd give it a shot! (No pun intended loo). Let me know what you think? Should this be a new feature in my blog?? Hmmmm...

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Feeling positive

Aah yes! As Summer comes to an end many of us will feel sad and as Autumn approaches many of us will pull out our favorite comfy jumpers and socks to embrace the season. Autumn is a lovely season and for the past year or so,  I have used it to meditate on my life, what I've achieved and where I'm heading. I have a very good feeling that my blog "miss 24" will help me to achieve better things that really add warmth to your hearts, the kind of things that money (no mater where you shop!) just cannot buy. So I've included some positive quotes to inspire you on too! Enjoy

Sunday 1 September 2013

Get some knuckle!

I'm not really into the cluttered finger look but having spotted some unusual knuckle rings on a few of my fav sites, I couldn't resist keeping them to myself!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Interview Attire

As it so happens I've landed myself an Interview for a job in the city. In addition to the vast amount of nerves and panicking I do routinely, there is also the ever present stress of "what the hell should I wear??!!" syndrome. This normally consists of me opening my wardrobe, scanning from left to right and instantly concluding that I have nothing to wear. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. One of the reasons I make such a fuss about what I wear (and especially to an Interview) is because your clothes say a hell of a lot about you and you really want to give the best impression you possibly can to get the Interview off to a good start. So to help me (and you other sufferers out there) with this "no clothes for an interview" dilemma, I have attached some visual aids that should inspire you to rustle up an interview worthy outfit!

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